They Can't All Be Smileys

Posted on 03/20/08 TagsPictures
They Can't All Be Smileys

A friend of ours gave us one solid piece of advice: don't forget to take pictures of the moments when she's angry, sad, frustrated. Oddly enough, about 30 seconds after that advice was passed along, I had a screaming Nora in one arm and the camera within reach, and I thought, "what the heck..."

baby's first...

Posted on 03/16/08 TagsPictures
baby's first...

... sick day.

Seems like every day the past two weeks has been a series of firsts for our little family. Today, or more accurately sometime last night, marked the first day we really couldn't make Nora happy by either feeding her, changing her, rocking her, or some combination of the three. Perhaps our luck ran out a bit after nearly two weeks of having it easy, with nearly everyone saying "just you wait." So, okay, we knew better than to think it'd last forever. We'll just be glad for it having lasted every minute that it did. And, wish just a little for those minutes back again. Ever wondered if a crying/screaming/wailing baby can still be cute and adorable?

Sure they can... in those brief moments when they're too tired to keep it up, or catching their breath and winding up to start up again. Here she is two seconds after she stopped crying, a split second after pooping, and another second away from screaming a bit more.


Posted on 03/15/08 TagsPictures

Erratic sleeping patterns may be catching up with us just a bit...

post-bath bliss

Posted on 03/13/08 TagsPictures
post-bath bliss

Home at Last!

Posted on 03/11/08 TagsPictures
Home at Last!
We came home on Friday - a day later than expected and very, very happy. The first few days at home have been a steep learning curve. We've had loads of visitors, all appreciated and all encouraged to wash their hands repeatedly. Lots of food, lots of presents, lots of love. We're learning how to sleep, of course. She does it really well, and if she's not pooping or doing a little bit of crying, it's pretty much all she does. We, on the other hand, have a lot to figure out about the whole sleeping gig. Seemingly, no one can resist sharing horror stories of sleepless nights upon sleepless weeks upon sleepless months, all of which we have to look forward to. We feel very lucky, so far, to be able to say that Nora is a relatively smooth sleeper. This morning she let us have almost three consecutive hours; nevermind that those three hours came between 5 and 8 in the morning - it was bliss. It's quite an adjustment, not having a nurse or other medical profession pop in every 15-20 minutes to see how we're doing. It feels like the safety net has been unceremoniously removed, and we've had this exchange many times already: "What do we do now?" "I don't know!" "I don't know either!" "Where's the Baby Book? What's it say about this?" Fortunately, it always seems to tell us to worry less. So we're trying to do that. No gray hairs to report just yet.

1st days at the hospital

Posted on 03/11/08 TagsPictures
1st days at the hospital
Hi to anyone and everyone. We're both overwhelmingly happy to say that at 2:46 am on March 4th, Nora Gregory Robbins showed up in our lives. We're using this space to share pictures, stories, and whatever else we want to be careful not to inundate anyone with in person. Please feel very free to comment and enjoy along with us as we figure out just how to be parents to this little bean. Today we're just getting around to posting photos from our time at wonderful Newport Community Hospital, where we had an experience that can only be described as ideal. Everyone there treated all three of us with kindness, compassion, and understanding.