Gimme My Bear

Posted on 11/25/08 TagsPictures
Gimme My Bear

Gates of Portugal

Posted on 11/11/08 TagsPictures
Gates of Portugal
Honestly, we don't even know what this is, and it's ten minutes from our home. Which way is entering and which is exiting? It's perplexing, but it was on Mark's driving tour of Fall River, so we had to commemorate the occasion.


Posted on 11/10/08 TagsPictures

A Visit From Lucy Ana

Posted on 11/10/08 TagsPictures
A Visit From Lucy Ana

Future BFFs, clearly. Nora appears to be very proud to show off her orange monkey to Lucy Ana, and Lucy Ana appears to think either that Nora is nuts or that there's no such thing as an orange monkey.


Posted on 11/08/08 TagsPictures
Night before David and Maria's wedding in Warren for Indian food. Nora's first real night out on the town, and her own little rehearsal for the next day's festivities. She hung in there pretty well...

Yard Work

Posted on 11/01/08 TagsPictures
Yard Work
After a halloween celebration the night before, time to get the leaves up at Gran Sue's and Grandpa Rob's house.