
Posted on 10/07/08 TagsPicturesVideos

Visiting with Brett, Kim, and two-month-old Lucy Anna on the way home from New Hampshire, and they have some kind of fun toy. AND, we've finally figured out how to post video here on the site, down below. Yee-haw!

Mt. Major

Posted on 10/06/08 TagsHikingPictures
Mt. Major
Our first family hike, up Mt. Major over the weekend. A little more rugged than we remembered!


Posted on 09/27/08 TagsKabeyunPictures
A couple of somewhat dated photos from family camp back in early September...

Sup Sup Suppertime

Posted on 09/27/08 TagsPicturesVideos
Sup Sup Suppertime

Chica love to eat!

Playing catch-up

Posted on 09/25/08 TagsPictures
Playing catch-up
Here's a few pictures going back...

She's back!

Posted on 09/25/08 TagsPictures
She's back!
Another embarrassingly long stretch between posts. Sorry... Fall seems to be settling in upon us - wool hat and hoodie weather!